Tushar Singha

Tushar Singha

Tushar Singha





Tushar Singha completed his graduation in Chemistry (Hons.) from the Krishnath College (University of Kalyani). Then he received his M.Sc degree from IIT Madras in 2020. During his M.Sc he worked with Prof. G. Sekar at IIT Madras. Currently, he is a Doctoral student under the supervision of Dr. Durga Prasad Hari at IISc Bangalore.



2021 – Present PhD, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
2018 – 2020 MSc, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Advisor: Prof. G. Sekar
2015 – 2018 BSc, Krishnath College, Berhampore
University of Kalyani


Awards & Achievments

Aug 2022  Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) by Ministry of Education
Nov 2020  CSIR (NET) – JRF
June 2019  CSIR (NET) – JRF
Jan 2019  Merit-Cum Means Scholarship by IIT Madras
June 2017  Chief Minister’s Scholarship by Government of West Bengal



Photoredox Catalysis

Photoredox catalysis enables mild, selective, and efficient organic transformations through visible light and a photoredox catalyst. It has become a powerful tool for C-C bond formation, C-H functionalization, and cross-coupling reactions, among others, making it a valuable technique in modern synthetic chemistry.


Ring-Strain Release

The presence of ring strain can greatly enhance the reactivity of chemical reactions by relieving the strain, thereby facilitating the formation of various useful structures. As a result, ring strain serves as a potent driving force in organic synthesis, enabling the construction of numerous valuable scaffolds with ease.



Electrochemical organic synthesis uses electricity to drive reactions and offers advantages over traditional methods, including improved selectivity, milder reaction conditions, and reduced waste. It has potential for the synthesis of complex molecules, making it a promising tool in modern synthetic chemistry.


Strain-enabled radical spirocyclization cascades: rapid access to spirocyclobutyl lactones and – lactams

Strain-enabled radical spirocyclization cascades: rapid access to spirocyclobutyl lactones and – lactams

Kousik Das, Abhilash Pedada, Tushar Singha and Durga Prasad Hari



Chem. Sci. 2024, Advance Article
Photocatalyzed Dowd–Beckwith radical-polar crossover reaction for the synthesis of medium-sized carbocyclic compounds

Photocatalyzed Dowd–Beckwith radical-polar crossover reaction for the synthesis of medium-sized carbocyclic compounds

Tushar Singha, Ganesh Arjun Kadam and Durga Prasad Hari



Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 6930-6935
The Dowd–Beckwith Reaction: History, Strategies, and Synthetic Potential

The Dowd–Beckwith Reaction: History, Strategies, and Synthetic Potential

Tushar Singha, Abdur Rouf Samim Mondal, Suparnak Midya and Durga Prasad Hari




Chem. Eur. J. 202228, e202202025
