
We are always looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated, and passionate candidates to join the group. Applications can be submitted throughout the year. Please contact DP Hari if you are interested in joining the group. The application file should include a CV, a motivation letter, a transcript of the grades for bachelor/master’s degree, a list of referees, and a short summary of previous research work. Further details can be found below.

Postdoctoral Positions


If you have a Ph.D. or recently submitted it and wish to apply for a Fellowship to join the group, we would be very happy to support you. Please send us your application package and we will provide you with scientific and administrative support to apply for the following Fellowships.

IISc Raman Postdoctoral Fellowship

SERB National Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme

UGC D.S. Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship

DST Women Scientist

Ph.D Positions


If you have a master’s degree in chemistry with a valid GATE score/CSIR then you can apply to the IISc PhD programme. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by the Department of Organic Chemistry.



Master/Bachelor students who want to learn more about research in organic synthesis can apply for internships in our group. There are financially supported summer internships by Science Academies’.